Spector Eurobolt 5 Bass Guitar (Tobacco Sunburst)
You’re looking at serial number: NB17141
The EuroBolt model adds a new dimension to the classic Spector sound. Crafted with using bolt-on construction, the EuroBolt features a 3-piece maple neck & fingerboard that is roasted to perfection. The roasting process improves strength and stability while preserving the clear, present tones that is characteristic of North American Maple. The classic NS body is carved from Alder, a classic tonewood that’s revered for it’s lightweight and balanced sound. EuroBolt models also feature hum-cancelling Aguilar DCB pickups and an Aguilar OBP-2 active tone circuit. This combination of professional-grade electronics provides a wide palette of tones that perfectly complements the natural tones of the EuroBolt. This model is available in two distinct finishes: Metallic Blue and Tobacco Sunburst. The Tobacco Sunburst model also features a North American Figured Maple top that adds an extra touch of class to this distinct instrument.